Our research is driven by the big picture. The students and faculty from the Department of Mechanical Engineering are involved in strong research work along with academics. Research work is carried out in all latest areas such as.
Thrust Areas of Research
- Engine Management System facility with AVL Exhaust Gas Analyzer
- Setup for making natural/synthetic fiber composites through Hand Laying technique.
- Five numbers of mould plate for composite manufacturing.
- Vibration and Noise Analyzer with LABVIEW Software
- Feast E-Yantra Design Software
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Supervisor Name | Designation | Specialization | Email ID |
Dr.S.Senthilvelan | Professor | Thermal Power Engineering | sendilvelan.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
Dr.N.Ethiraj | Professor | Production Engineering | ethiraj.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
Dr.K.Balasubramanian | Professor | Industrial Engineering | balasubramanian.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
Dr.K.Rajan | Professor & Head | IC Engines | rajan.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Professor | Engineering Design,CAD, Composite Materials | vijayakumar.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
Dr.J.Jayaprakash | Professor | Industrial Engineering | jayaprakash.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
Dr.D.B.Jabaraj | Professor | Thermal Power Engineering | jabaraj2009@yahoo.com |
Dr.M.Chandran | Professor | Thermal Power Engineering | chandran.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
Dr.J.Jayaseelan | Professor | Engineering Design,CAD, Composite Materials | jayaseelan.mech@drmgrdu.ac.in |
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S.No | Scholar Name | Supervisor Name | Area of Research | Title | Year of Completion |
1 | Pradeep Raj | Dr.K.Rajan | I.C Engines | Experimental Investigation On Diesel Engine Performance Using Moringa Oleifera Biodiesel | 2022 |
2 | Abdul Sukkur . S . A . | Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Composite Materials | Investigation On The Effect Of Natural Fillers In Epoxy Matrix Hybrid Bio-Composities | 2022 |
3 | Gunji Venkata Punna Rao | Dr. S. Nallusamy | Industrial Engineering | Optimization Of Production Process By Minimizing Waste With Different Lean Tools In Medium Sale Indistries | 2022 |
4 | Srinivasan.R | Dr.S.Manivannan | Machine learning | Warranty Analysis For Indian Truck Industries Using Machine Learning Techniques | 2021 |
5 | Ravichandran A | Dr.K.Rajan | I.C Engines | Experimental Investigations On The Performance Of Diesel Engine Using Biodiesel With Different Combustion Chamber Geometries | 2021 |
6 | Ashok Kumar | Dr.K.Rajan | I.C Engines | Experimental Investigation On Effective Use Of Cashew Nut Shell Oil As Fuel In A Direct Injection Diesel Engine With Different Techniques | 2020 |
7 | Karthikeyan A | Dr. S. Nallusamy | Composite Materials | Fracture And Wear Mechanism Analysis Of Composites Through Different Techniques | 2019 |
8 | Saravanan V | Dr. S. Nallusamy | Industrial Engineering | Execution Of Lean Tools In Small And Medium Scale Industries For Efficiency Enhancement Through Different Lean Techniques | 2019 |
9 | V P Haridasan | Dr.Velayudham | Composite Materials | Surface Engineering - Tribological Studies On The Detonation Sprayed Coatings | 2019 |
10 | Ramakrishnan V | Dr. S. Nallusamy | Industrial Engineering | Developing A Framework For Implementing Lean Manufacturing In Indian Small And Medium Enterprises | 2018 |
11 | Etraj P | Dr.J.Jayaprakash | Supply chain mangement | An Integrated Multi Criteria Decision Making Model Approach In Green Supplier Selection Process With Special Reference To A Public Sector Transport Corporation | 2018 |
12 | Jayaseelan J | Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar | Composite Materials | Investigation Into The Mechanical Characterization Of Goat Hair Fibre Epoxy Matrix Composites. | 2018 |
13 | Parimala.R | Dr.D.B.Jabaraj | Composite Materials | Experimental And Theoretical Analysis On The Mechanical Behaviors Of Biaxial Braided Composites With Various Nanoparticles | 2017 |
14 | Rajarasalnath S | Dr.Balasubramanian K | Industrial Engineering | Sleeve Synchronizer Manufacturing Process Optimisation | 2017 |
15 | Vijayaganapathy D | Dr.Balasubramanian K | Industrial Engineering | Static Analysis Of Radiator Fan Blade Using Reverse Engineering And Ansys | 2016 |
16 | Vinayagamoorthy R | Dr.Rajeswari N | Composite Materials | Machinability Studies On Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials | 2015 |
17 | C.Shashishekar | Dr.C.S Ramesh | Finite element Analysis | Finite Element Analysis Of Human Prosthetic Knee Joint | 2014 |
18 | Ganesan M | Dr.S.Sendilvelan | Thermal Engineering | Reduction Of Cold Start Emission Using Telescopic Catalytic Convertor In A Multi Cylinder Spark Ignition Engine | 2014 |
19 | Velu.R | Dr. D. Moses Raja Cecil | Industrial Engineering | Quantifying Interface Friction And Evaluation Of Lubricants In Cold Forming Using Backward Spike And Forward Disc Forming Tribo Test | 2014 |
20 | Subramaniam.L | Dr.S.Sendilvelan | Fluid Mechanics | Study On Influence Of Blade Thickness On Vibration Characteristics Of Centrifugal Impeller Pumps | 2013 |
21 | A.R.Karibasava Swamy | Dr. A. Ramesh | Composite Materials | Synthesis And Property Evaluation Of Al6061 Graphite Tungsten Carbide Hybrid Composites | 2013 |
22 | Prabhakar Bandeppa Kammar | Dr.H.K.Shivanand | Composite Materials | Evaluation Of Mechanical And Tribological Properties Of Aluminium Based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites | 2013 |
23 | Prahalad.N.Tengli, | Dr. C.S. Ramesh | Jet Propulsion systems | A Study On Vibration Problems Of Solid Propellant Rocket Motor | 2012 |
24 | Prakash S Dabeer, | Dr.G.K.Purohit | Composite Materials | Study Of Surface Properties Of Ball Burnished Brass Components | 2012 |
25 | B.Advesh, | Dr.Joel Hemanth | Composite Materials | Development And Property Evaluation Of Aluminum Alloy Reinforced With Nano Zro2 Metal Matrix Composites For Automotive Applications | 2012 |
26 | C. Anil Kumar, | Dr. Y. Vijayakumar | Composite Materials | Studies On The Mechanical Fracture And Vibrational Behaviour Of Nitinol | 2011 |
27 | K.Rajan, | Dr. K.R.Senthil Kumar | I.C Engines | Experimental Investigations To Improve The Performance Of A Biodiesel Jatropha Oil Fuelled Diesel Engine Using Different Techniques | 2011 |
28 | N.S. Prasanna Rao, | Dr. K. Vinayaka Prasad | Fluid Mechanics | Theoretical Study Of Boundary Layer Flow Problems In Newtonian And Non-Newtonian Fluids | 2011 |
29 | S.Mohanmurugan, | Dr.S.Sendilvelan | I.C Engines | Experimental Investigation On Reduction Of Emission In Hcci Engine By Pcci Mode With Different Fuels | 2010 |
30 | Ashoka Mehatha, | Dr B.Ravishankar | Supply chain mangement | A Study Of Synchronous Manufacturing Practices On Vital Resources And Constraints In A Typical Engineering Environment | 2010 |
31 | T.B.Prasad | Dr. C.S. Ramesh | Composite Materials | Development And Characterization Of Graphite Carbon Short Fiber Reinforced Al 17si Alloy Hybrid Composites | 2010 |
32 | C.P.S. Prakash | Dr.B.J.Ranganath | Industrial Engineering | A Study On The Machining Characteristic In Wire Edm Process | 2009 |
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S.No | Name of the Faculty (PI & Co-PI(s)) | Project Title | Name of the Scheme | Funding Agency | Duration & Approval Date |
1 | PI:Dr.P.Palanisamy Co.PI: Dr.K.Rvijayakumar Dr.J. Jayaseelan SRF: S.Karthikeyan | Design and Analysis of Collapsible Mandrel System for Solid Propellant Casting of 1m Diameter Test Motor– A Near Subscale of S200Motor | Sponsored Research | ISRO/VSSC | 2016-2019 Completed |
2 | PI: Dr.P.Palanisamy National Consultant, Dr. V. Natarajan | Coir Spinning Plant Machinery Development Project | Sponsored Research | CoirBoard, Ministry of MSME, Govt.of India | 2017- ongoing |
3 | PI: Dr.M.Ganesan, Co-PI:Dr.P.A Lakshminarayanan, R.Venugopal, D.Pandurangan | Feasibiliy Study for design ,manufacturing and testing of CRDi Fuel Injection System of diesel engine for Armoured Fighting Vehicles | Sponsored Research | DRDO-CVRDE | 2020-21 |
4 | R. logeswaran Dr. Wilson John | Energy Efficient Pervaporative Thermal Management System for electric vehicle batteries-( The solution qualitatively provides cooling at uncertain conditions even when the system lag power supply) | Research | MSME ( IDEATN 002802) | 2022-23 |
5 | Jawahar prakash. M,Mr. D.AVinoth | Dual Filament Extruder in 3d Printing With Dual Hot End Extrusion- (each extruder can print with a different filament material) | Research | MSME( IDEATN 002791) | 2022-23 |
6 | Dr. M. Ganesan, Dr. K.R. Vijayakumar | Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality ( VR) Innovative Lab | Research | AICTE- MODROB-REG | 2021-22 |
7 | Dr. J. Jayaseelan | Design and development of Robotic propellant machining system with 6 DOF. | Research | DRDO -Dare- to-Dream-2.0 | 2021-22 |
8 | PI: T.Raghu, Co-PI: Sa.K.VishnooPrathap | Design & Development of Autonomous Bio-mimic Robotic Fish | Research | Indian Institutionof Technology Indore (IIT-I) (inCollaborationwithM/s.GRP, Industries(Madras)) | 2019-ongoing |
9 | PI:Sa.K.VishnooPrathap, Co-PI: T. Raghu, D.Pandurengan | Feasibility Study &Development of a Self-Sustainable Dual Renewable Energy Harvesting System for Unmanned/ Autonomous Ocean Surface Vehicle | Research | DRDO-NSTL | 2019-ongoing |
10 | PI: Er. S. Karthigeyan, Co-PI: Dr. P. Nagaraja | Recovery of Lithium from used Lithium Ion Batteries (Start-up: Dr. MGR-ARI Technology Innovations Pvt Ltd) | Research | DRDO-TDF | 2021-22 |
11 | Dr.Ethiraj, Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar, .Dr.J.Jayaseelan,Mr.T.Sivabalan | Formulation of New Holt Melt Adhesive | Research | DHPL,Thirumazhisai,Chennai-600124 | 2017-18 |
12 | Dr.Ethiraj, Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar, .Dr.J.Jayaseelan,Mr.T.Sivabalan | Development of Re-usable hair extension product | Research | DHPL,Thirumazhisai,Chennai-600124 | 2017-18 |
13 | Dr.Ethiraj, Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar, .Dr.J.Jayaseelan,Mr.T.Sivabalan | Development of Polyurethene or Equivalent Flexible Base Material for Hair Extension Applications | Research | DHPL,Thirumazhisai,Chennai-600124 | 2018-19 |
14 | Dr.S.Nallusamy | Passenger vehicle maintenance | Research | Bahwan Cyber Tek Pvt. Limited, Chennai | 2017-18 |
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Name of the Consultant | Name of the Advisory / R&D consultancy/clinical trial project | Consulting/Sponsoring agency details | Year | Revenue generated (INR in Lakhs) |
PI:Dr.P.Palanisamy, Co.PI: Dr.K.RVijayakumar, Dr. J. Jayaseelan, SRF: S.Karthikeyan | Design and Analysis of Collapsible Mandrel System for Solid Propellant Casting of 1m Diameter Test Motor– A Near Subscale of S200Motor | ISRO/VSSC | 2016-2019 Completed | 21 |
PI: Dr.P.Palanisamy National Consultant: Dr. V. Natarajan | Coir Spinning Plant Machinery Development Project | Coir Board, Ministry of MSME, Govt.of India | 2017-ongoing | 299 |
PI: T.Raghu, Co-PI: Sa.K.VishnooPrathap | Design & Development of Autonomous Bio-mimic Robotic Fish | Indian Institution of Technology Indore (IIT-I) (in Collaboration with M/s.GRP Industries(Madras)) | 2019-ongoing | 10 |
PI:Sa.K.VishnooPrathap, Co-PI: T. Raghu, D.Pandurengan | Feasibility Study &Development of a Self-Sustainable Dual Renewable Energy Harvesting System for Unmanned/ Autonomous Ocean Surface Vehicle | DRDO-NSTL | 2019-ongoing | 9.5 |
PI: Dr.M.Ganesan, Co-PI:Dr.P.A Lakshminarayanan, , R.Venugopal, D.Pandurangan | Feasibiliy Study for design ,manufacturing and testing of CRDi Fuel Injection System of diesel engine for Armoured Fighting Vehicles | DRDO-CVRDE | 2020-21 | 41 |
R. Logeswaran, Dr. Wilson John | Energy Efficient Pervaporative Thermal Management System for electric vehicle batteries- ( The solution qualitatively provides cooling at uncertain conditions even when the system lag power supply) | MSME( IDEATN 002802) | 2022-23 | 13.5 |
Jawahar prakash. M, Mr. D.A. Vinoth kumar | Dual Filament Extruder in 3d Printing With Dual Hot End Extrusion- (each extruder can print with a different filament material) | MSME,( IDEATN 002791) | 2022-23 | 15 |
Dr. M. Ganesan, Dr. K.R. Vijayakumar | Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality ( VR) Innovative Lab | AICTE- MODROB-REG | 2021-22 | 12.8 |
PI: Er. S. Karthigeyan, Co-PI: Dr. P. Nagaraja | Recovery of Lithium from used Lithium Ion Batteries, (Start-up: Dr. MGR-ARI Technology Innovations Pvt Ltd) | DRDO-TDF | 2021-22 | 57.8 |
Dr. J. Jayaseelan | Design and development of Robotic propellant machining system with 6 DOF. | DRDO | 2021-22 | 5 |
1.Dr.Ethiraj, 2.Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar, 3.Dr.J.Jayaseelan,4.Mr.T.Sivabalan | Formulation of New Holt Melt Adhesive | DHPL,Thirumazhisai | 2017-18 | 1.8 |
1.Dr.Ethiraj, 2.Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar, 3.Dr.J.Jayaseelan,4.Mr.T.Sivabalan | Development of Re-usable hair extension product | DHPL,Thirumazhisai | 2017-18 | 1 |
1.Dr.Ethiraj, 2.Dr.K.R.Vijayakumar, 3.Dr.J.Jayaseelan,4.Mr.T.Sivabalan | Development of Polyurethene or Equivalent Flexible Base Material for Hair Extension Applications | DHPL,Thirumazhisai | 2018-19 | 3.4 |
Dr. J.Jayaseelan | Research and development of compact ergonomic working chair | B4S Business Solutions, Chennai | 2022-23 | 1 |